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Toraja Tribe is a tribe who settled in the mountains of the northern part of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Population, estimated at about 600,000 inhabitants. They also settled in parts of the plains Luwu and West Sulawesi.

Toraja name originally given by the Bugis ethnic group and from Luwu Sidenreng. People Sidenreng named residents of this region with the title To Riaja which means "He who dwells in the land above or mountains", are people calling Luwu To Riajang which means "one who dwells in the west." There is also another version that says the home Toraya To = Tau (people), Raya = from word Maraya (large), meaning that those great men, noble. Over time it becomes the reference to Toraja. Tana word meaning 'country', so that the settlement Toraja tribe known later under the name of Tana Toraja.


Ritual signs Tuka 'is an event that berhungan with events such as wedding shower, shower harvest and the inauguration of the traditional house / tongkonan new, or a complete renovation; bring all the family grove, out of this event makes kinship ties in Tana Toraja is very strong all the Ceremony These are known by the name Ma'Bua ', Meroek, or Mangrara Banua Sura'.

For traditional ceremonies Rambu Tuka 'followed by the art of dance: Pa' Gellu, Pa 'Boneballa, Gellu Tungga', Ondo Samalele, Pa'Dao Moon, Pa'Burake, Memanna, Maluya, Pa'Tirra ', Panimbong and others. For the art of music that is Pa'pompang, pa'Barrung, Pa'pelle '. Music and dance are presented at a ceremony Rambu Solo 'can not (taboo) is displayed at the ceremony Rambu Solo'.


Tau-tau is a statue depicting the deceased. At the funeral of the nobility or the rulers / community leaders rapasan one of the elements (complement traditional ceremonial events), is pembuatann tau-tau. Tau-tau is made of jackfruit wood is strong and at the logging done by custom. Eye of the tau-tau is made of buffalo bone and horn. Once upon a time, tau tau-chiseled visage is not exactly describe the deceased but lately craftsmen carving skills growing up to be able to create exactly the visage of the late.

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